Meet the Royal Families in the Tarot

Meet the Royal Families in the Tarot

Discover what it means when they show up in your readings

Sunday, October 28, 2018 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM

A play date with Debra Lones

Your investment $85.

 Are you ready to play? Grab your cards, invite a friend, and join us as we meet the royal families in the tarot. They are the kings, queens, knights, and pages in the traditional deck and are among the most misunderstood cards.  The good news is that there is a system that makes interpretation of the court cards much easier and it will add greater depth to your readings without adding difficulty.  The court cards can show us many things including what aspect of our personality or the personality of someone else is at play at any time. They reveal valuable insights, actions needed, timing, and so much more.

 Having studied the tarot for many years and still being an avid student, I have learned that the easiest way to learn the tarot is to study it in three parts – majors, court cards, and the minors (cards ace – 10.)  It doesn’t matter the order in which you learn these three parts.  It’s also possible to do readings with any one of these sections.  In the end, when you work with the entire deck, voila, the doors of perception fly open and your readings will be amazing!

 Are you ready to meet the royals up close and personal?  To see what lies behind the images of the kings and queens and how these figures can relate to timing, energy, emotion, personality types, warnings, etc. Which court cards represent you, your family, and friends?  Which card is “the knight in shining armor” and which is the “playboy?”  Which group of the royals are the change agents?   Which of the royals is the magician?  Which are the sexiest? Come find out.

 What does it mean when the queen of wands comes up in response to a query like, “What should I be aware of in connection with the upcoming job interview?”  The queen of wands could be describing the person who will interview you and knowing his or her personality type would be very helpful.  She could be describing your best approach to presenting yourself or the work atmosphere.  This queen could be addressing timing and letting you know that a decision will most likely be made quickly.  Because this queen is interested in self-growth and self-development that might give you clues to other important possibilities.  The queen of wands is the queen of manifesting so her appearance could be letting you know you’ll be offered the job. If you take the job, how would you get along with this person?  We can throw some other cards and find out. 

 This is fun and illuminating. The court cards can shed light on romantic inquiries, projects in the works, health, wealth and anything that could possibly arise. It’s important to know how to read them.

 This workshop is for anyone interested in the tarot from beginners to seasoned readers.  If you’ve never touched the cards before this is a perfect place to start.  If you’ve been reading for years and want to learn more about what it means when a string of court cards shows up in a reading, you’ll find out. We’ll do lots of readings. There’s always more to learn and the best part is that it’s fun!


Debra Lones has spent a lifetime pursuing her interest in a living spirituality and mystical studies.  In 2001, Debra traveled to Bali to study energy work.  In 2002, she was part of an international group of 38 students and teachers who traveled throughout China studying Taoism.  The group also learned about medical qigong. During her stay in China, Debra expanded her meditation practice in a cave high on the powerful Mount Huashan. In 2004, Debra traveled to Canyon de Chelly where she learned more about shamanic healing practices and experienced the hospitality and wisdom of a Native American host family. Debra continued her mystical studies in Egypt in 2005, where she underwent powerful initiations at ancient sacred sites throughout Egypt. Since then, Debra's travels have taken her to Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, and India.  In February of 2014, Debra received a Sri Yantra activation beneath the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India where the Buddha attained enlightenment.


Over the past 13 years, Debra has served as an instrument for, and facilitator of, powerful spiritual activations.  People have reported amazing results following the activations including the removal of addiction, the disappearance of fear, overwhelming peace and compassion, enhanced psychic abilities, and a feeling of wholeness and integrity, to name a few.


Debra taps into her rich experience to add depth to the thousands of readings she has given over the past 17 years while continuing to hone her divination skills.

Amy Commander