Weekend Workshop With Greg Nardi

Friday, August 196-8:30pm - Mindful Ashtanga $40

Saturday, August 20
8-10am - Guided Primary $30 
1-3pm - Core, Jumpbacks-Jumpthroughs $40

Sunday, August 21
8-10am - Traditional Guided Vinyasa Count Primary Series $30
11am-1pm - Backbends $40

Full weekend discount $180

Class Descriptions

Mindful Ashtanga

Pattabhi Jois often talked about the importance of mental training in Yoga and how the asanas will lead to a strong mind as well as a strong body. This workshop will look at the practice of ashtanga yoga as a mindfulness technique. We will explore how the right attitude and focus are key to fulfilling the deeper wisdom of yoga. The body is transformed into a vehicle for our awareness and transforms the practice from physical exercise to moving meditation. Please bring a mat and practice clothes.

Core, jumping back and jumping through

We will explore how to utilize the full strength of the torso and bandhas to support our body weight. This will facilitate the smooth transition of energy necessary for graceful jump backs and jump throughs. We will also explore the spine as a smooth chain for the rolling poses in the second half of primary series.



Explore the fine art of backbending. We will work through a progressively challenging series of backbends that will educate you about the finer points of spinal extension. Learn how to distribute energy through the entire body during your backbends to avoid overloading the lower back. . If you are challenged by the process of deepening your backbends, or are just beginning to explore advanced backbending, this workshop is not to be missed.



Greg Nardi has spent many years of dedicated practice under the guidance of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. In 2004, he was given authorization to teach from Pattabhi Jois. In 2009, he completed a level 2 authorization course from Sharath Jois. 

Greg founded Ashtanga Yoga Worldwide, a resource which strives to explore the traditions that give rise to modern yoga methods; to maintain the Ashtanga yoga system as taught by Pattabhi Jois; and to make these traditions and methods intelligible to the Western practitioner. Along with managing an online community, Greg operates Ashtanga Yoga Worldwdie yoga shala in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida along with his husband, Juan Carlos. Greg travels internationally to offer workshops on Ashtanga yoga practice and theory. He is also part of the staff at John Scott Yoga helping to mentor and support aspiring teachers.

Greg perpetually studies and practices yoga, Eastern philosophy and Sanskrit mantra chanting. His influences include his numerous trips to Mysore, India to study with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath, and Saraswathi at the KPJAYI, Jayashree and Narasimha of the Ananta Research Center, his studies with Georg Feuerstein of Traditional Yoga Studies, and Vyaas Houston of the American Sanskrit Institute.

In 2009, at the age of 93, Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois passed away leaving behind a legacy that has touched countless lives around the world. Greg is committed to honoring his teacher by sharing the Ashtanga method with every interested, inspired student he meets.

His view on yoga respects the ancient teachings which have been passed down unbroken through the centuries, and which give the practices the power to transform our consciousness. Greg's style of teaching assists students in finding the approach to the practice that is most beneficial for them.

Amy Commander